Building Relationships, Strengthening Communities

Education Pillar
The Education pillar involves the act of diffusing and acquiring knowledge or skill. It is often one of the leading shapers of our eventual worldview. This pillar has been dominated by radicals bent on destroying our culture by corrupting our youth. They’ve stolen the responsibility of education from parents and have placed it under the realm of the State.
America was #1 ranked in the world in education as recently as the 1950’s and has plummeted to 18th in the world.
Restoring this pillar means educating ourselves and contributing to the education of others. It means taking back control of education from the State and becoming responsible for our children’s education. To some, that will mean spitting their children out of the system and home schooling them. Others will engage the private or public education sectors and become active and involved in their child’s education. Still others will teach or use their passions and skills to increase the knowledge of others.
Information Related To This Pillar
Common Core: Central Planning in Education - Presentation given on April 23rd 2013 by FV Executive Director, Common Core researcher and Wilmington Education Examiner Evan Queitsch
You're the Difference - Presentation given on April 23rd 2013 by Jim Hosley from the Caesar Rodney Institute's Center for Education Excellence