Building Relationships, Strengthening Communities

General Meeting - April 23rd
Your response in March was overwhelming! Education is your biggest concern and the most popular of the pillars. You spoke and we listened. Our April 23rd meeting will focus on the Education pillar and specifically on the Common Core State Standards. Our own Executive Director Evan Queitsch is well versed in Common Core and has published several articles on it's roots and plans. He will give us insights on what it is, where it came from, who is behind it, current testing and lesson plans and even future testing designs. We will also be joined by experts on education costs and a group called Freedom Educators that is working to help public school teachers who don't always agree with the position of the unions.
When: Tuesday April 23rd - 6:30PM-8:30PM
Where: Bible Fellowship Church (808 Old Baltimore Pike Newark, DE 19702)