Building Relationships, Strengthening Communities

Mission Statement
"To restore the cultural health of Delaware by teaching American founding principles and self-reliance to those in our community."
What We Stand For
Founders Values was created in 2009 as an educational organization designed to help restore America's founding principles and values. Our motto, "Action Through Education", displays our commitment to not only educating ourselves and our children but also putting our knowledge to work in order to restore the timeless principles that have made America great.
We believe that the values of honesty, reverence, hope, thrift, humility, charity, sincerity, moderation, hard work, courage, personal responsibility and gratitude are as important and relevant today as they were when our nation was founded. We strive everyday to live these values in our daily lives and to spread them in our communities.
We believe that the spirit of community that built our nation has been eroded over time and that the only way to return to prosperity is to rebuild our communities. We believe that the family is the basic unit of the community. We believe that our faith is sacred and that we reserve the right to practice it as we see fit. We believe that our individual freedom creates the basis for what has made America the safest, fairest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world. We believe that the rise of secularism has choked the moral fiber of our country and that we must recalibrate our society to place family, faith and freedom at the forefront.
What We Do
Since 2009, Founders Values has focused on educating our members, leaders and children on America's founding principles. We've been leaders in arguing for government leaders to adhere to and understand the founding documents of our state and nation. We've also distributed thousands of copies of timely and historically valuable pieces of literature from the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to the 5000 Year Leap. We've visited public school classrooms and distributed hundreds of copies of Americas founding documents to elementary school kids.
We've also been active in the realm of civics and public policy. Many of our members are active leaders in political parties or political groups. Some of our members have run for political office while others have been key leaders for major statewide campaigns. Our voices have come together to influence public policy decisions and to encourage current and would be government leaders at the local, state and national levels to place the founding documents of our state and our nation at the forefront of the civic discussions.
Our new focus on building communities will mean even more civic and community engagement by our members. We will create alternative standards of living by living out the recalibration of our priorities and engaging our neighbors to do the same.
When & Where We Meet
Our meetings take place on the 4th Tuesday of every month and are hosted at Bible Fellowship Church in Newark. Bible Fellowship Church is located at 808 Old Baltimore Pike. The doors open at 6PM and our meetings begin at 6:30PM unless otherwise noted. Meetings usually last until 8:30PM but discussions have been known to run a little later.
Our past meetings have featured topics ranging from the "Signs of Socialism" and 2nd Amendment discussions to lectures on the "Faith of the Founders". We've had internationally famous speakers such as Rick Green, Trevor Loudon, Dr. C.L. Gray and Pastor C.L. Bryant speak to our group. We've also been very active in planning and staging rallies and gatherings in support of Constitutional principles and values including all of the Wilmington Tax Day TEA Party rallies at the Wilmington Riverfront.
In 2013, with our new focus on building communities, our group outreach dynamic will change how, where and when we meet. For now, we will continue our monthly General Meeting date and time and we will use it as less of a lecture format and more of an opportunity to plan and develop new projects designed to help outreach to new individuals and to help establish solid foundations in area communities.