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Grassroots activist and former teacher Whitney Neal will join Founders Values in June to discuss Common Core and its implications to our children.

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Grassroots activist and former teacher Whitney Neal will join Founders Values in June to discuss Common Core and its implications to our children.
Latest News

The Marketplace Launched
Shop where your values live. Visit the Marketplace to learn more.

Website Relaunch
Welcome to our newly relaunched website. You will find it easier to navigate and containing more information.

June Meeting Set
Our June 2013 meeting will take place on Tuesday the 25th at 6:30PM at Bible Fellowship Church. Get the scoop on Common Core from a former teacher turned activist!

Feature Article
Founders Values executive Director Evan Queitsch has published an article on Examiner.com that breaks down Common Core.

Bright Ideas
Send us your ideas for how you think our culture can be restored.

Data Mining and Affective Computing
Find out what data mining and affective computing are and how the new Common Core system plans to use them to assess your children.

Making Common Sense of Common Core
Common Core Standards have been a hot topic recently as more information on just how it works is being released ahead of the nationwide adoption next year. Want to know more about Common Core?

Common Core: It's Not Harmless
You are the last line of defense for your children. You School Boards are being asailed by respected educators who are well compensated to "sell" Common Core and are giving away their control of education. It's up to you to act.
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